Why BoviTrac?

BoviTrac International, LLC works with cattlemen worldwide in obtaining genetic analysis of their commercial and crossbred cattle. With the data that we will be able to offer cattlemen, you will be empowered to “see beneath the skin” to evaluate an animal genetically, and to make selection, mating, marketing, and management decisions that will best position your operation to increase profit and efficiency.

“For commercial beef producers, the implementation of technologies and breeding systems that increase the quality and volume of production and/or reduce input costs is essential to maintain or improve the competitive position of the operation.”

- Bob Weaber, Ph.D. Kansas State University

Through careful selection of phenotype, genetic information and pairing those evaluations with the resources available, we can reach optimum production levels for individual animals and operations. BoviTrac is able to offer producers the genetic portion of that equation and can work one-on-one with producers in making such management and selection decisions to reach increased and optimum production. We provide producers EPDs on their cattle and the tools, reports, calculations, calculators, and information needed to analyze genetics effectively.

5 Ways EPDs Can Make You More Profitable

By utilizing the genetic analysis and tools BoviTrac provides, we can help producers increase quality and volume of production, promote efficiency by reducing costs and discovering specific traits to respond to local geographic conditions and resources, and ensure producers are positioned to remain competitive in the marketplace.

Beyond EPD and the reports and tools associated with the genetic analysis BoviTrac provides, we offer producers genomic testing options that allow for the evaluation of both Bos Taurus and Bos Indicus influenced cattle. We feel it is important for producers, regardless of breed composition, to have the opportunity to have their animals genomically evaluated, and we have partnered with entities who are the most scientifically advanced in understanding the bovine genome to ensure our clients have the best information available on the market for their operations.


With our program, we’re taking the guesswork out of your selection and empowering you to make more informed decisions.

There are no minimums to the amount of cattle a producer can enroll.  Whether you have 5 head, or 5000+ head in the herd, we can evaluate performance.  Furthermore, there is no limit to the amount of breed crosses of an animal.  Regardless of your individual goals, we are able to help you optimize the resources you already have to achieve your goals.

Our Approach

We help producers like you make better decisions while increasing the economic returns of your breeding programs.

Our goal is to help advance and improve beef production worldwide.

BoviTrac works directly with producers, one-on-one to help them with the entire process. Whether that is downloading the correct information, understanding the reports from the genetic analysis, or making selection decisions on sires or dams to improve their operation, our goal is to help you utilize the data in the best formats to enhance your operation.

Our team has years of experience in the beef industry, from production, management, genetic selection, customer service, etc. and we are equipped with personnel to assist producers in reaching their goals. Meet our Leadership Team.