

Providing commercial cattlemen genetic tools to enhance
Profit • Pounds • Production • Performance
Your future starts here.

BoviTrac International, LLC, works with cattlemen worldwide in genetic analysis of commercial cattle. Essentially we are able to offer producers EPDs on their cattle, giving them the tools, reports, and information they need to boost profitability, efficiency, marketability and management of their operations. We are also able to offer our clients genomic testing options for both Bos Taurus and Bos Indicus influenced cattle. Effectively taking the guesswork out of your selection decisions and empowering you to increase set the standard for your operation.

After all, you cannot manage what you do not measure.

We maintain the top technological systems to service producers. We provide the most up-to-date tools and reports, calculations, calculators, etc. available to producers, today.

Multi-Breed EPDs

“When we select parents based on EPDs the genetic merit for that trait increases in our herd. When we select the parents using EPDs the performance of the next generation improves.”

– Jared Decker, Ph.D. Division of Animal Sciences, University of Missouri

According to the scientific community, EPD’s are the most accurate and effective tool available for comparing genetics. And with BoviTrac International… all producers are now able to access this information.

So let’s get started.

BoviTrac can provide commercial cattle with genetic predictability, regardless of the breed, the combination of breed, or the amount of breeds represented in an animal. Furthermore, there are no minimums to the amount of cattle a producer can enroll. Whether you have 5 head, or 5000+ head, we can evaluate performance.

Regardless of the individual goals of producers, we are able to help them optimize resources to achieve their goals.

The EPDs producers will receive are highly usable. Because they are comparable to EPDs on numerous sires that we see in semen catalogs, producers will be able to make selection and mating decisions with EPDs and genetic data due to the homogeny of EPDs offered through our program.

A comprehensive list of the EPDs and definitions can be found here.

EPDs are updated weekly; therefore, you will have access to usable data on individual animals within days of submitting information. Updates continue weekly indefinitely for all animals in the program.

Other tools available include, but are not limited to:

  • Genetic trend graphs
  • EPD progeny calculators & predictability
  • Mating simulators
  • Custom report writer
  • Genetic tracker for traits and defects
  • Animal location tracking by pasture, herd, pen, or group
  • Animal health tracking—vaccination history and treatment records
  • Build catalogs with pedigree and performance data
  • Complete customer tracking and management

We help producers make better decisions while increasing the economic returns of their breeding programs.


Genomic Testing and Evaluation

Genomic testing helps predict future profitability potential.

Coupled with EPD analysis, genomic testing can increase the accuracy of your EPDs by generations. Furthermore, it can aid in obtaining genetic values for certain traits that you may find difficult to collect in your operation.

BoviTrac has partnered with multiple entities to provide producers with the most advanced genomic tests available to cattlemen on the market. Unlike most tests, we are able to look at the genomic information of both Bos Taurus and Bos Indicus influenced cattle, regardless of breed.

Actual values from genomic tests will be given to producers to aid in the selection and marketing of their animals, and data can be easily fed into our system for Genetically Enhanced EPDs for individual animals.


      But what is genomic testing anyway?

      Genomics is the study of the entire set of genes found in living things, and allows producers to see beneath the skin, making clear what was once unknown. A genome, an organism’s complete set of DNA, contains all the information needed to build that particular organism. When we take a peak into an animal’s specific genome, we have more information about an animal’s performance and predictability, which in turn, guides our production decisions for optimal success.

      Genomics allow producers to optimize the profitability and yields of their herds by making different animal selection and strategic breeding decisions.

      What options does BoviTrac provide?

      We have partnered with some of the most scientific advanced groups to offer BoviTrac producers with the most up-to-date genomic options on the market today. From an entire genome sequence, to tests to genomically enhance EPDs of your animal, BoviTrac can service your genomic needs.

      Regardless of the goals of your operation, we offer the right test to meet your needs.

          Available tests include:

          We’re able utilize TSU, hair or blood samples to perform genomic tests, whichever fits your operation best.

              Parentage Test

              Determine correct sire or dam of an individual animal.
              • Know which bulls are siring the most calves in multiple sire groups. Data aids in knowing which bulls to sell, replace, select, etc.
              • Helps ensure accurate pedigrees, which increases the accuracy of genetic evaluations, and useful for evaluating the performance and prolificacy of new bulls in multiple-bull breeding pastures.


                  67K Commercial Genomic Test

                  Evaluate genomic values of both bos Taurus and bos indicus cattle on new panel.
                  • Greatly increases accuracy on economically relevant traits and on young animals. Allows for quicker herd improvement.


                      Whole Genome Test

                      Determine the entire genome of your animal. Parentage and breed composition included.


                          Breed Composition Test

                          Coming Soon!

                              Marketing and Brand Development

                              If you’re looking to utilize genetic information and build a brand around your performance data for increased marketability, we can help! We can also help you find the optimal marketing strategy for your livestock.

                              Building and maintaining a strong brand brings numerous benefits to your operation. Whether you’re looking to gain market access, or develop a branded beef program, utilizing data to support your marketing claims adds credibility to your product.

                              Employing effective strategies allows producers to maintain a competitive edge.

                              Your brand is what differentiates you from other competitors in the marketplace.

                              Let us help you take the data on your animals, and turn it into effective strategy for building and maintaining a strong and competitive brand.

                              Contact us to see how you can get involved, today!